We work with a team of associates to enable us to deliver all aspects of health and wellbeing.
Meet Our Team.

Dr Sarah Hattam (Founder)
I have worked as a general practitioner in the UK for almost three decades with special interests in all aspects of women’s health and mental health. I have seen first hand the effect of work on health and vice versa. Sadly, I have observed the careers of some highly skilled executives end prematurely because of burnout, or avoidable health problems.
My passion is to bring together the science of good physical and mental health in the workplace. I love what I do and get a buzz from seeing the performance of individuals, teams and organisations soar once they understand how to do the right things. I am also on a mission to de-bunk medical myths, sift facts from fads and provide reliable evidence-based health advice to the workplace.
Some Of The Companies We've Worked With.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Concilio Health sponsors LIV2Run - a fantastic charity which uses running as a means to inspire and challenge disadvantaged and vulnerable children in South Africa. For more information, please visit the LIV2Run Website.